sábado, 16 de junio de 2018

Biblical study on the seven biblical dispensations

We will list and study one by one dispensation, in the following way:
1. Innocence: from Adam until the fall 
A. Obligations: Obedience to God (Gn.1:26-28; Gn.2:15-17)
B. Failure: Disobedience (Gn.3:1-6)
C. Judgment: Curse and death (Gn.3:7-19)

2. Consciousness: from the fall to the flood 
A. Obligations: Do the good / sacrifice of blood (Gn.3:5,7,22; Gn.4:4)
B. Failure: Evil (Gn.5:5-6, Gn.5:11-12)
C. Judgment: The flood (Gn.6:7,13; Gn.7:11-14)

3. Human government: from the flood to Abraham 
A. Obligations: Scatter / multiply (Gn.8:15-9:7)
B. Failure: They did not scatter (Gn.11:1-4)
C. Judgment: Language confusion (Gn.11:5-9)

4. Promise: from Abraham to Moses
Babel Tower
A. Obligations: To live in Canaan (Gn.12:1-7)
B. Failure: They settled in Egypt (Gn.12:10; Gn.12:46:10; Ex.1:7)
C. Judgment: Slavery in Egypt (Ex.1:8-14)

5. Mosaic Law: from Moses to the cross (Compliance with the law)
A. Obligations: Save all the law (Ex.19:3-8)
B. Failure: They broke the law (2R.17:7-20; Mtt.27:1-25)
C. Judgment: World Diaspora (Dt.28:63-66; Lu.21:20-24)

6. Era of the Church: from Pentecost to the rapture (The rapture of the church) / Court of Christ /The weddings of the Lamb / The battle of Armageddon / Tribulation period / Second coming of Christ 
Israel scattered - Israel collected (Ez.36:16-19 / Ez.36:20-24)
A. Obligations: Faith in Jesus / pure doctrine (Jo.1:12; Ro.8:1-4; Ep.2:8-9; Ti.1:9 and Ti.2:1,7) 
B. Failure: Rejection of Christ (2Tim.3:1-5)
C. Judgment: Tribulation (Ap.4 -19)

7. Millennial Kingdom: the literal thousand years of the reign of Jesus Christ after his second  coming. Judgment of the great white throne / New heaven and new earth / Hell
A. Obligations: Obeying to worship Christ (Is.11:3-5; Zec.14.9,16)
B. Failure: Satan free, final rebellion (Rev.20:7-9) 
C. Judgment: Eternal punishment (Rev.20:11-15)

Source: Prophecy Study Bible by Tim LaHaye, King James Version, year 1960

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